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The preferences panel can be accessed through the application menu or the keyboard shortcut ⌘,



Layout - Allows you to select between the Single Window Preview layout and the Multi Window Preview layout (which splits the main MixEmergency window into three independently resizeable windows). Note that Single Window Preview layout is more efficient than the Multi Window Preview layout with regards to CPU and GPU usage.

Opacity - These controls set the opacity of the main application windows. This can be useful if you need to monitor another application while using MixEmergency.

Forward keyboard events - When this option is checked MixEmergency will forward any keyboard events (not including short-cuts used by MixEmergency) to the external controller application. This can be useful if you don't want to switch between the applications.

Disable conflicting shortcuts - When this option is checked MixEmergency will disable keyboard shortcuts that conflict with the application currently controlling MixEmergency.

Auto-hide menu bar and dock - When this option is enabled MixEmergency will auto-hide the menu bar and dock when MixEmergency is set to float above other windows.


Automatically load effects - Enables loading of previously saved effects when media is loaded.

Automatically save effects - Enables saving of the last used effect preset per media.


The Display preference panel allows you to control aspects relating to the output of MixEmergency.


Quality - This adjusts the quality of the rendered output level. If you're experiencing low frame rates on full-screen then you may need to lower this setting.

Scaling - There are four types of output scaling: Fit, Letterbox, Zoom and Stretch.

  • Fit - This adds black bars either horizontally or vertically to fit the full video into the output. The aspect ratio of the media is maintained.
  • Letterbox - This adds only horizontal black bars to the media. Cropping may occur at the top and bottom of the screen. The aspect ratio of the media is maintained.
  • Zoom - This will scale the media so that the entire output screen is filled. Cropping may occur at the edges of the screen. The aspect ratio of the media is maintained.
  • Stretch - This stretches the media to fit into the dimensions of the output screen. The aspect ratio of the media is not maintained.

Arrangement - Controls the arrangement of panels on the output window.

  • Mix - This option is the default and will display the mixed output of both channels.
  • Left, Right - This option displays the left and right channel beside each other in the output.
  • Left, Mix, Right - This option displays the left, mix and right channels horizontally beside each other in the output.

Enable Frame Blending - This option enables frame blending for videos, resulting in smoother video when scratching at slower speeds.

Enable Anti-Aliasing - This option will apply an anti-aliasing filter to the output, which will result in smoother edges on the output image.

Enter full screen on startup - This option automatically activates full screen mode when the application launches. This will only occur when an external monitor is detected.

Flip Horizontal - Flips the output image along the horizontal axis.

Flip Vertical - Flips the output image along the vertical axis.

Enable Color Correction - Enables basic brightness, saturation and contrast controls for the output.

Brightness - Controls the brightness of the output.

Saturation - Controls the saturation of the output.

Contrast - Controls the contrast of the output.

Use Advanced Output - Enables the advanced output. This can be configured by pushing the button labelled "Configure".


Aspect Ratio - This sets the aspect ratio of the preview views. You can choose either None, 4:3 or 16:9.

Update Rate - The update rate of the preview views can be lowered using this control.



Reverse MIDI fader - This reverses the direction of any MIDI control assigned to the Crossfader.

Smooth fader - This enables Crossfader smoothing.

Random Transition includes - Use this to choose which transitions will be selected from when using the Random transition.


Auto-fade duration - This sets the duration of the auto-fade control.

Auto-fade Hot-key - This can be used to assign a global hot-key to the auto-fade button.

Stopping media triggers Auto-fade - Stopping one channel's media (e.g. pulling backwards on your external vinyl control) while this is enabled will cause MixEmergency to trigger an auto-fade to the opposite playing channel. This is useful when you don't have access to a MIDI controller or mixer.

Fader cut distance - Allows you to adjust the fader cut distance for the crossfader.

Use External Controller Crossfader - Enables the use of your External Controller's (e.g. Scratch Live) crossfader.

Use External Controller Upfaders - Enables the use of your External Controller's (e.g. Scratch Live) upfaders.

Use External Controller Cuefader - Enables the use of your External Controller's (e.g. Scratch Live) cuefader.


Enable - Enables contouring.

Crossfader - Adjusts the contour of the crossfader between slow and fast.

Upfaders - Adjusts the contour of the crossfader between slow and fast.

Use External Controller Contour - Enables the use of your External Controller's (e.g. Scratch Live) contour.


The two tables on this panel allow you to select and reorder the plug-ins that appear in your effect and transition lists.


The settings on the Advanced preference panel are recommended for more advanced users.


The main slider in this window controls the amount of memory MixEmergency will allocate for caching video frames.

Important: if using GPU-accelerated video decoding, it is recommended to set this value to around a 1/4 of the memory of your GPU (e.g. if your GPU has 1024 MB of memory, you would set the cache size to either 200 MB or 300 MB).

External Control

The pop-up menu allows you to select the default action when an unlinked audio file is loaded.

Enable GPU-Accelerated Video Decoding - This option will cause MixEmergency to attempt to use the GPU to decode H.264 encoded video. This can result in significantly reduced CPU usage. This only affects the main 2 channels (i.e. the Sample Player doesn't take advantage of this). Not all hardware is capable of GPU-accelerated video decoding.

Display Beat Views - This option toggles the visibility of the Beat Views on the effect panel of the Control Window.

Lower full screen window level - This option lowers the window level of the output when full screen. This can allow other windows to display on top of MixEmergency. This is not recommended for general use.

Synchronize Output to Screen Refresh - Turning off this option may result in better performance, but will result in poorer image quality.

Loop Media longer than 1 minute - Selects whether to loop videos longer than one minute in length.

Zero Alpha Channel - Enables clearing of the alpha channel. This is useful if you're compositing the output of MixEmergency in another program via Syphon.

Delay Compensation

Delay Compensation allows you to compensate for any delay in video or audio in your system so that your video and audio will always appear in sync.

Enable - Enables Delay Compensation.

View Helper - When Delay Compensation is enabled, this will flash colours on both the preview views and the output screen. Use the Delay Compensation slider to align these.

Delay Time - Controls the offset for the delay compensation.

Below the slider are + and - buttons that allow you to offset the centre of the Delay Compensation slider by 1 second. This is useful if delay values are outside the range of the slider.


Size - Controls the size of the notification overlay.

Position - Controls the vertical position of the notification overlay.

Transition - When this is enabled, changing the Transition will trigger the notification overlay.

Transition Parameter - When this is enabled, changes to the Transition Parameter will trigger the notification overlay.

Effect - When this is enabled, changing the Effect will trigger the notification overlay.

Effect Parameter - When this is enabled, changes to the Effect Parameter will trigger the notification overlay.


Syphon Output

"Syphon is an open source Mac OS X technology that allows applications to share frames - full frame rate video or stills - with one another in realtime."

These settings allow you to toggle output via Syphon to other Syphon enabled applications.

NDI Output

"NDI, NewTek’s Network Device Interface protocol, is new technology for ultra-connected, IP-based video production."

These settings allow you to toggle output via NDI to other NDI enabled applications.

Minimum Requirements - Mac computer - macOS 12.4 - Scratch Live 1.9.2, Serato DJ 1.6, or Serato DJ Pro